Department Aims
To develop pupils' ability to use French / Spanish as an effective means of communication in both the spoken and written word.
To introduce pupils to the culture and civilisation of France / Spain and other Target Language countries, thus encouraging positive attitudes to others.
To form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for the world of work, further study, training and leisure.

Key Stage 3
Every pupil coming into Year 8 will study Spanish.
They will begin French in Year 9 and then continue studying both languages until the end of Year 10.
Some of the topics studied at Key Stage 3 include:
- Family
- Personal descriptions
- School
- Holidays
- Pastimes
- House and town
- Daily routine and household chores
- Shops and shopping
- Food
- Weather

Pupils have the opportunity to study both languages to GCSE Level.
The course for both French and Spanish is divided into 3 Contexts which cover:
- The Individual
- Citizenship
- Employability
Exam Board – CCEA
GCSE languages are assessed in the following manner:
Both Reading and Listening are externally assessed at the end of Year 12 and are worth 20% each.
Controlled Assessments will be carried out in Speaking and Writing throughout Years 11 and 12 and are worth 30% each – pupils will submit two tasks in each of these skill areas.

The French / Spanish course introduces a range of topics of interest to young people, and it aims to develop their confidence and competence in spoken, written, reading and responding skills. It seeks to promote a critical awareness and a positive attitude towards the society and culture of the country. It provides students with a basis for further study at degree level by preparing them to use the language in both social and professional situations.
Pupils study for AS level in Year 13 and may decide to continue on to A2 Level in Year 14. They are expected to produce work at much greater depth and to research topics more independently. Pupils are encouraged to read widely in the A Level topic areas and make effective use of all available resources.
A Level pupils have weekly classes with the language assistants. In these lessons our pupils get an opportunity to enhance their oral skills in preparation for the oral exam.
Course Details
The A Level examination is divided into two parts, AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A2. AS and A2 are both worth 50% of the total marks and AS represents the first half of a full A Level.
Topics to be covered at AS Level include:
- Media
- Popular Culture
- Healthy living
- Family and Relationships
Topics to be covered at A2 Level include:
- Environment
- Multicultural Society
- Social Issues
- Literature and Film
Exam Board - AQA
Unit 1
Listening, Reading and Writing
70% of AS, 35% of A Level
Unit 2
Speaking Test
30% of AS, 15% of A Level
Unit 3
Listening, Reading and Writing
35% of A Level
Unit 4
Speaking Test
15% of A Level
French Planning for Assessment
Key Stage 3 Planning for Assessment 2015-16 Key Stage 4 Planning for Assessment 2015-16 Key Stage 5 Planning for Assessment 2015-16