Cambridge House Grammar School Curriculum Policy is based on the definition of curriculum as 'all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school'
Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching is the core purpose of the school. The priority is active engagement within the classroom and high quality learning strategies which will facilitate high quality academic outcomes in line with NI Grammar School benchmarks. The Learning Cycle is followed within classrooms and Progression Boards and Careers Boards are a feature of rooms and areas.
Our school is committed to ensuring that learners attain high standards of performance. Learners also acquire the full range of personal skills and attributes that contribute to their social and economic well being, including problem solving, creativity and their capacity to work independently and collaboratively. Our school provides a welcoming, supportive and stimulating environment and promotes a sense of curiosity and self esteem in learners.
Staff within all Learning and Teaching areas appraise themselves of Quality Indicators: Leadership and Management Achievements and Standards Quality of Provision for Learning
Effective improvement is closely linked to a high degree of accountability and rigorous monitoring and evaluation of all aspects of provision. All leaders and managers at all levels work to bring about improvement.
A range of key skills is developed:
- Using imagination
- Thinking skills
- Decision making skills
- Listening skills
- Managing Information
- Working with others
- Negotiation skills
- Justification skills
- Self evaluation
- Self management
- Target setting
Raising Academic Achievement Through Learning and Teaching
Teachers focus on the key ingredients which contribute to successful lessons:
- Classes are arranged to facilitate groups as much as possible
- The teacher is the ‘enabler’ or ‘facilitator’
- Seating promotes group work and problem solving activities
- There are supportive and positive working relationships
- Learning intentions are clearly conveyed with links with prior learning
- There is an introduction/overview of what will be learned/achieved
- Active Learning Strategies are employed throughout the bulk of the lesson
- Timed targets are used to aid progress and time management on task
- There is effective use of questions/open ended/pair/share/group work
- Auditory/visual/kinaesthetic learners accommodated within the lesson
- Lesson links to Learning for Life and Work / Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance
- Teachers are fully aware of pupils with special educational needs.
- Study skills strategies are utilised: mind mapping, brainstorming, note making using highlighters, other forms of kinaesthetic/visual learning)
- There is an atmosphere of problem solving and a climate of enquiry
- Plenary sessions regularly throughout the lesson
- Pupils are dealt with in a controlled, respectful, trusted manner
- Assessment for Learning/Marking for Improvement/Use of Success Criteria strategies are used
- Homework set and recorded in Study Planners
- Target setting is used as appropriate depending on the nature of the lesson
Religious Education
The School has a Christian ethos.
Provision, in line with Statutory requirements is made. Collective worship for the Junior and Senior School happens twice weekly at Assembly led by The Principal and Vice-Principals; Year Group Assemblies are also scheduled weekly. Parents may, if they wish, withdraw their children from Collective Worship or RE. The school community joins together for annual services: Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and Summer.